Right market
London is growing and changing
Right properties
Creating modern growth environments

Creating modern growth environments
We constantly invest in our properties across London to meet our customers’ needs. Extensive refurbishment work, such as at Westbourne Studios (pictured), gives our customers access to a wide range of services from on-site cafés, gyms and cycle racks to meeting rooms and break-out areas – all designed to help their businesses grow and encourage engagement with each other. This year, Pill Box in Bethnal Green was named the ‘Best New Place to Work’ at the London Planning Awards.
Right customers
New and growing companies

New and growing companies
New and growing companies are driving the London economy. Direct contact with our customers improves our understanding of how we can help them to grow their businesses. One such customer, Ratesetter (pictured), has been with us since May 2010 and we are pleased to have supported its growth from a start-up to the UK’s leading peer-to-peer lending platform.
Right people
Driving performance

Driving performance
Everyone at Workspace is focused on our customers, whether on-site in our business centres, or in the lettings, marketing, management, development or finance teams. Our staff play an active role in supporting their local communities as well, raising money for our nominated charities through events such as the Spinathon (pictured) and the Arctic Challenge.
Increasing recognition and reputation

Increasing recognition and reputation
Our customers recognise our brand as the go-to home for new and growing companies. They look to us to provide networking opportunities with other fast-growing businesses, business grade technology solutions and flexibility. This year, we purchased a Tuk Tuk to sell coffee in some of our business centres while their cafés were being refurbished, maintaining a high level of service for our customers at all times.