5 Principles for Powerful Presentations - Andrea-Pacini-Presentation-Masterclass_1920x750


Stock control methods

Stock control methods

Controlling stock is essential to a business’ success. Overstocking can result in insufficient liquidity whilst understocking can make it impossible to satisfy your customers’ demands.
16 March 2011 | Growth and strategy
Mobile phones for employees

Mobile phones for employees

Keeping in touch with colleagues is essential in today’s fast-paced business environment. Finding the right mobile phones for employees – and on the right contract – can help improve productivity and keep costs down
16 March 2011 | Technology
Essential health and safety tips for the workplace

Essential health and safety tips for the workplace

Several hundred people are killed each year and hundreds of thousands suffer ill health and injury at work. Following standard health and safety procedures is essential for every business to help ensure the happiness and security of both staff and visitors.
16 March 2011 | Growth and strategy
Guide to public liability insurance

Guide to public liability insurance

Public liability insurance protects you in the event of third party injury or damage to property as a result of your negligence. If you regularly interact with clients or customers, either at their place of work or yours, you should consider taking out public liability insurance although for most businesses it is not legally required.
16 March 2011 | Growth and strategy
Turning industrial waste into must-have goods

Turning industrial waste into must-have goods

Industrial waste does not need to be written off and sent to landfill or incinerated - new technologies are emerging that can turn byproducts into usable and commercially viable items. With investments in this marketplace increasing, now is a great time to get on board.
16 March 2011 | Growth and strategy
How to apply for green funding

How to apply for green funding

The availability of green support and funding has grown rapidly over the last few years. There are now a wide range of initiatives available for start-ups and small businesses involved in eco-innovation, carbon reduction and energy-efficient projects. Applying for green funding can be a complicated process as many grants and loans have strict eligibility criteria.
16 March 2011 | Growth and strategy
Grants and loans for green projects

Grants and loans for green projects

With the low carbon economy gaining significant traction, now is a fantastic time for businesses to invest in cleaner technologies and promote environmentally-friendly practice. Grants are available from many areas, including local and national Governments, the EU, and energy efficiency organisations dedicated to reducing energy use.
16 March 2011 | Growth and strategy
Sample business plan outline

Sample business plan outline

Writing a business plan can be confusing for first-time entrepreneurs. Our sample outline provides you with a skeleton framework for writing a solid and well-crafted business plan.
16 March 2011 | Growth and strategy
Choosing computer monitors for employees

Choosing computer monitors for employees

In today’s world, many businesses are very reliant on technology. Employees will use computer screens for many hours; choosing the right monitors is important to keeping staff happy and maintaining high levels of productivity and output.
16 March 2011 | Technology
Raising money from friends and family

Raising money from friends and family

Start-up finance from friends and family is a popular way to kick-start a business; favourable terms and flexible repayment schedules are often just what entrepreneurs need when trying to get off to a good start.
16 March 2011 | Business finance
Applying for a Government grant

Applying for a Government grant

Government grants are growing in popularity; with funding available for a range of projects and in different geographic areas, small businesses no longer have to feel limited by traditional ways of raising capital. Applying for a Government grant is easy and can be very cost-effective.
16 March 2011 | Business finance

How to negotiate with investors

Learning to negotiate with investors will help you secure the best possible deal for your business. Your investor will try to strike a hard bargain – remaining strong but being flexible is key to success.
16 March 2011 | Business finance
Guide to equity finance

Guide to equity finance

Private equity provides businesses with finance in exchange for a proportion of the business, most often in the form of shares. It is a popular method of financing because private investors often provide support and guidance in addition to capital.
16 March 2011 | Business finance

Guide to angel investors

Angel investors provide significant amounts of capital to start-ups and established businesses in exchange for an equity share of the business – they can also provide advice and industry contacts, but may want a say in the company’s future decisions.
16 March 2011 | Business finance
Guide to leased lines

Guide to leased lines

Leased lines offer a dedicated, high-performance alternative to standard broadband lines. These robust connections to the internet are rented from a specialist provider, typically on an annual basis, and offer a host of benefits that help deliver outstanding speed and performance to businesses.
16 March 2011 | Technology
A guide to dealing with stress at work - kyle-glenn-_AR74EoWdy0-unsplash

A guide to dealing with stress at work

We all have days when we feel a bit ‘down in the dumps’, but there’s a fine line between feeling stressed about occasional workload and becoming isolated and, in some cases, depressed. This is a guide to stress at work, both identifying it and managing it.
16 March 2011 | Growth and strategy
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