The advent of 5G Internet - why you should care
With the rollout of 4G still ringing in your ears, and the dilemma of whether to upgrade your handset still swirling around in your head, the mere suggestion of yet another more advanced generation of wireless connectivity is enough to make you wince... not again surely?
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“But 5G will allow you to download an entire film in seconds!” they say, as you try to imagine a situation when you would possibly need such lightening fast cinematic access… surely there must be another reason for it?
The Other Reason For it
Amongst the groans of frustration at yet another upgrade to the internet connectivity network, a worrying and undeniable truth can be heard
London is perpetually locked in a technological arms race. Gone are the times when the golden triangle of New York, London and Tokyo were the world’s undisputed centres of technology and commerce. There are now ambitious rivals everywhere, from Berlin, Dublin and Tel Aviv, all bidding to become the planet's leading innovation hub. Last week, Boris Johnson said