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Projectarthur is a design studio based in Club Workspace Clerkenwell run by Mark Hind and Adam Wyatt. They've worked for clients large and small in music, fashion and the corporate sector.
Projectarthur is a design studio based in Club Workspace Clerkenwell run by Mark Hind and Adam Wyatt. Founded in 2005, this multi disciplined studio has worked on a range of projects from art direction, design, illustration, animation and branding for clients large and small in music, fashion and the corporate sector including Orange, Nike and Fiat. Mark Hind took some time out to tell us a little more about Project Arthur.
Tell us a bit about yourself.
My name Mark Hind and I run a design studio based in London with Adam Wyatt called Projectarthur. I studied graphic design at Bath Spa university. Then moved to London and worked at boutique design studios mostly in the fashion and music sector helping clients like Ben Sherman, Universal and Nike. Since 2006 I have worked for Projectarthur. I love anything to do with design, bicycles and surfing.
Pitch your product in a sentence.
Projectarthur is a multi disciplined studio working on a range of projects from art direction, design, illustration, animation and branding - digitally and in print, for clients large and small in music, fashion and the corporate sector.
Give us a potted history of your business
In 2006 Projectarthur was formed. I started out with a couple of fashion clients such as Fly London, and freelanced for a few design companies to get money into the company. In 2008 I moved into offices in Margaret Street, (just behind Oxford Street). I started working more with digital design and producing animation for Nike and Orange In 2009 Adam Wyatt joined. In 2010 I took a one year sabbatical while Adam manned the fort at Projectarthur. In 2011 I returned and in 2012 we moved into our current Clerkenwell office space attracting a few new clients such as Magma, an automotive consultation company, and Luxure a fashion lifestyle brand.
What have been your biggest business challenges?
Any new business is a challenge. A lot of the time our clients are referred to us, but it's always interesting to try and break into new creative areas by approaching different brands.
Where do you see Projectarthur in a year's time? In three years’ time?
In a year's time, we would like to take on a bigger office space and perhaps secure an investor. In three years' time I think we we'll be looking at world domination.
What advice would you give someone starting out in your industry?
Work hard, try to remember that the computer is a tool for creatively and not the only solution to a creative problem. If you’re struggling with an idea take a walk. If you’re say, designing a logo for a hairdresser rather then looking at hairdressers on the internet. Go to that hairdressers, have a look around, talk to the people there. Ideas will come easier this way and have a direct connection to the client, while avoiding a generic solution.
What’s your office luxury?
On Friday afternoon we try to close the studio early to clients and focus on personal and experimental projects. The lessons you discover in this process can have an effect on jobs you're doing for clients. It's a guilty pleasure doing this, but not always possible if the studio has a big deadline to meet.
Who would you have (dead or alive) as a dream member of your board of directors?
Tibor Kalman -if you don’t know who he is, look him up.
What’s your desert island book/film/luxury?
If I was on a desert island and there was surf. I would want my surfboard. Sounds pretty nice, can we go there now?
Find out more about Projectarthur.
Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm