in selected buildings before 31st March 2025. Enquire today to find out more.
To set up your access cards/fobs for the building, you and your team need to first register for your MyWorkspace account.  

This is our online portal where you can, manage your company details, keep your team list up to date, manage your meeting room bookings and view your meeting room invoices.


It's easy to get set up, simply follow the steps below

Get set up

My Workspace Get Set Up Steps

Head to MyWorkspace from our homepage. Find the link in the top right hand corner of the screen. Or simply follow the link below


Login using your email address and password, or click 'Register' to get set up. If you've forgotten your password, click 'Forgot your password' and we'll send you a link to reset your account.

My Workspace Get Set Up Steps
Create your profile

Head to My Company > Company Overview to complete your profile - click 'edit' to add your details and then click 'save'.

Within the Company Overview page, complete all the fields to create your company profile. If you'd like to appear in the Customer Directory and be searchable by your Workspace neighbours, make sure 'List in Comapny Directoy' is checked.

My Workspace Get Set Up Steps
Add your team

If you're the Company Admin, head to Company Contacts and add your team members. Click 'Create new contact' to add each team member, or you'll find the link to forward to your team so they can set up themselves. 

Don't forget your teams' accounts need to be linked to your company to receive their 20% meeting room discount. To do this, you will need to validate them as a member of the team -  head to My Company Contacts, use the three dot menu in the table and click 'validate' for each team member.

My Workspace Get Set Up Steps
Keep your team up to date

It's important you keep your team list up to date as and when new team members join or leave. 

Head to 'Company Contacts' and use the 'Create new contact' button to add a new team member, or the 'Edit' button to remove. 

You can also manage who in your team has access to the builidng out of hours. If you ever need to call the out of hours button, our security providers will use this to confirm whether they can release the doors for you, or not - so it's important to keep this up to date.

Please note: each office space has a set amount of access fobs/cards. Additional access fobs/cards will cost £10+VAT. If you need additional ones, please let the Centre Team know.

Call to enquire about our spaces and meeting rooms
0203 944 7630 Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm
Call our friendly team

Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm
