We all want to be healthy and happy. Yet how the world tells us to achieve this is filled with contradictions, complications and conflicting conversations.
Breaking The Rules is an innovative project run by Counselling Psychologist Dr Natalie Chambers and Nutritional Therapist Marissa-Catherine Carrarini, who passionately believe that unhelpful, rule-based thinking relating to health, exercise and wellbeing stops us connecting to what we need and who we are. Health and wellbeing-based rules are very often very well-intentioned but can become outdated and prevent us from thriving physically and emotionally.
This workshop, thinking about New Year health messages, will introduce you to the concept of unhelpful rule-based thinking (and compare it to helpful rules or rule-free living), help you start identifying unhelpful rules in your life and inspire you to tune in to your actual needs, rather than what your rules may tell you.
The session will be a calm and fun environment where you will be supported to ask questions and get help for your own life and circumstances.
Spaces are limited, book now to secure your spot.