5 Principles for Powerful Presentations - Andrea-Pacini-Presentation-Masterclass_1920x750


Creating a competitive employee benefits package

Creating a competitive employee benefits package

The impact of an effective benefits package on engagement levels can prove significant, with productivity and efficiency levels boosted, sickness and absenteeism reduced, and in turn, the company’s overall performance improves. In this article, James Malia of P&MM Employee Benefits provides advice to companies looking to create suitable packages for their employees.
07 March 2012 | Growth and strategy
20 top UK based technology blogs - freetechforstartups-small

20 top UK based technology blogs

No matter what type of enterprise you are building or what industry you’re based in, if they have not already, developments in technology are likely to affect your business at some point or another. However, as it continues to advance at a staggering rate keeping your finger on the pulse of the technological world is proving to be ever more difficult. We’ve selected 20 of the best UK technology blogs to help you stay one step ahead.
29 February 2012 | Technology
Alternative sources of business growth finance

Alternative sources of business growth finance

Talk to any business owner or read the business section of any newspaper and you’re likely to come across stories of struggles to access sufficient finance to grow or maintain their business. But we are beginning to witness a change in how business owners access finance with many now actively seeking out alternative sources.
28 February 2012 | Business finance
Q&A: Vashi Nanwani Dominguez - Diamond Manufacturers Ltd

Q&A: Vashi Nanwani Dominguez - Diamond Manufacturers Ltd

Vashi started his first company aged just 20 in his home country of Tenerife, Spain. His love for his English childhood sweetheart led him to England, and his love of diamonds led him to set up Diamond Manufacturers Ltd in 2007. With no extensive former experience in the industry, Vashi had to teach himself, and to begin with was greeted with derision by the industry.
13 February 2012 | Customer stories
Workplace gossip - turning back the tide

Workplace gossip - turning back the tide

If you've ever worked in an office or any other kind of workplace with more than one person in it, then you will have come across the inevitable workplace gossip. Gossip is defined as 'casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true' – Oxford Dictionaries.
08 February 2012 | Growth and strategy
Improving your internal processes

Improving your internal processes

Is your small business a consistent, smooth-running operation characterised by order, discipline and continuous growth? If not, improving your internal processes might be a worthwhile investment of your time.
07 February 2012 | Growth and strategy
Q&A: Angela Kennedy - Baby Sensory

Q&A: Angela Kennedy - Baby Sensory

Returning to work after a career break can be a difficult time for anyone. In this interview we talk to Angela Kennedy who took a nine year career-break to start a family and who decided to run her own business on her return to work. Angela acquired a Baby Sensory franchise in 2009 and she now manages a team working in three separate territories.
06 February 2012 | Customer stories
Is it time to take your business to an office and reclaim your living room?

Is it time to take your business to an office and reclaim your living room?

Richard Smith, entrepreneur and managing director of Search Office Space (SOS), considers when it’s time for a start-up or SME to rent office space and what office solutions are available, from the shared and serviced office to the virtual.
04 February 2012 | Covid-19 support
Returning to work after a career break

Returning to work after a career break

Returning to work after a career break can be a worrying time. It is also a great opportunity to take stock and make sure that you select a path that gives you the best chance of success and happiness.
03 February 2012 | Growth and strategy
E-commerce – the way forward for your business?

E-commerce – the way forward for your business?

Over the past 10 years, e-commerce has changed the face of retail, with shoppers’ habits altering dramatically and continuing to change as the sector itself evolves. High-street stalwarts like John Lewis are reporting that profits for the online arms of their operations are growing steadily in contrast to a slow-down on the high-street, while major names like Borders have been brought down by online competition.
02 February 2012 | Marketing
20 top UK based business blogs

20 top UK based business blogs

As the visibility of business blogs online continues to expand further and further; identifying those that offer the expert points of view most relevant to your business and industry has become an increasingly time-consuming task. We’ve hand-picked 20 of UK’s best blogs to help you uncover the information and advice that is of most value to your business.
01 February 2012 | Customer stories
OPINION: What is the true cost of lost data to business?

What is the true cost of lost data to business?

There is a certain sweat inducing twist in the stomach that is reserved solely for the moment any individual realises they have just lost digital data to … well, to wherever that seemingly priceless information disappears after the combustion of a hard drive or a misplaced, absent minded tap of the delete key.
01 February 2012 | Technology
20 inspirational quotes from the world’s top entrepreneurs - pexels-photo

20 inspirational quotes from the world’s top entrepreneurs

Making the decision to become an entrepreneur and start your own business can be a little daunting, but you'll never know what you are capable of unless try. Here are twenty quotes from some of the most successful entrepreneurs in history, to give you that inspiration you may need in order to take the first step.
18 January 2012 | Customer stories
Guide to courier services for SMEs

Guide to courier services for SMEs

This article was written by P4D | Parcels for Delivery, who offer heavily discounted courier services to small-medium sized businesses. P4D partners with couriers you know and trust, like City Link, Fedex, DHL and TNT to provide an affordable parcel delivery service for those who send parcels infrequently or in smaller volumes.
19 December 2011 | Growth and strategy
Six reasons why new businesses fail

Six reasons why new businesses fail

There’s an old saying in business: “When you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. This may sound trite but it’s a good mantra to introduce into any entrepreneurial endeavour. Plan and plan again before execution and you won’t go too far wrong.
15 December 2011 | Customer stories
OPINION: Simpler reporting - What do you think?

OPINION: Simpler reporting - What do you think?

What the UK Government defines as micro and small business communities (less than £440,000 turnover and ten or fewer employees) constitute approximately 60 per cent of all companies registered at Companies House, plus there are the tens of thousands of sole traders and partnerships in Britain. So, it is no surprise – and indeed it is good news – that the Government is looking at how it can help small businesses play their part in steering the nation away from an economic abyss.
05 December 2011 | Business finance
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