5 Principles for Powerful Presentations - Andrea-Pacini-Presentation-Masterclass_1920x750



IT Support Services

Find out options for the best business support for IT services. Whether it’s for delivering emails, despatching orders or just chasing unpaid debts. At some point the office technology becomes too important to muddle through problems and businesses look for an IT support service to provide some stability.
28 November 2011 | Technology
Legal issues when dealing with investors

Legal issues when dealing with investors

Securing significant investment is often crucial for a business’s development and survival. However, entrepreneurs shouldn’t be afraid to hold out for the right deal on the right terms. Even where the broad commercial deal appears favourable, businesses should make sure that the legal language in any transaction documentation doesn’t create long-term problems.
25 November 2011 | Business finance
How to start a property management business

How to start a property management business

There’s still money to be made in property. With high house prices meaning that buying a home is out of the reach of many, lettings and property management companies are doing very well indeed.
21 November 2011 | Customer stories
How to start a day-nursery

How to start a day-nursery

Starting a day nursery is a popular entrepreneurial choice, especially so amongst parents who spot the potential this business offers after bringing up their own children. Working with children can be one of the most rewarding things in the world, although you will need to be highly dedicated and have lots of patience.
14 November 2011 | Customer stories
How to start a kennels and cattery business

How to start a kennels and cattery business

Starting a kennels and cattery business is one of the most difficult and time consuming enterprises to start and run – yet it can also be one of the most enjoyable and rewarding. If you’re a dog or cat lover and have always dreamed of working with animals then running a kennels and cattery could provide you with the perfect business…
12 November 2011 | Customer stories
OPINION: What now for Feed in Tariffs?

OPINION: What now for Feed in Tariffs?

The Government introduced the Feed in Tariff (FiT) in order to kick-start the solar industry in the UK. Under the original scheme it had just this effect. The desired aim of increased renewable energy, new business and new jobs had been achieved. Yet all this is now in jeopardy following the Government’s announcement on 31 October, bringing forward the assumed deadline of March 2012 and introducing cuts. Libbie Henderson, Energy Partner with Dickinson Dees LLP, explores the ramifications.
11 November 2011 | Growth and strategy
Guide to exit strategies

Guide to exit strategies

Many entrepreneurs will not want to run their business indefinitely. At some point they will want to sell the company and move on to another project, retire, or go back to being an employee. The route to this, involving selling the company, is called an ‘exit strategy.’ There are a variety of different exit strategies. Knowing which one is most suitable for your company can help ensure you get the best possible price and the smoothest sale.
31 October 2011 | Growth and strategy
What to do when your business is owed money

What to do when your business is owed money

One of the biggest problems for small businesses is getting paid promptly by their customers. Increasingly customers choose either to delay payment to improve their own cashflow or attempt to renegotiate the cost of a product or service once it has been received or performed.
24 October 2011 | Growth and strategy
Guide to mobile commerce - technology-792180_1920

Guide to mobile commerce

Selling over the internet was, and still can be, a big step for many businesses. But just as ecommerce is now a daily choice for many consumers, the growth of mobile commerce suggests that it too will become as popular. Businesses of all sizes looking to utilise a new way of allowing customers to purchase products will benefit from mobile commerce, which offers a range of advantages to both the business and the purchaser.
24 October 2011 | Technology
Eight top tips to help you break into the creative sector

Eight top tips to help you break into the creative sector

Opportunities in the creative sector are broad but it's a very competitive market. These top tips will help you develop the skills and attitude necessary to break into, and succeed within, the creative sector.
19 October 2011 | Customer stories
10 top tips for the young entrepreneur

10 top tips for the young entrepreneur

There is an increasing number of entrepreneurs in the UK. Research carried out earlier this year revealed that more than half of 14- to 19-year-olds would like to be their own boss. According to a survey by Hiscox Insurance, 25 percent of London undergraduates were either running their own businesses or setting up companies while still at university – in Hull, the proportion was 36 percent, followed by Glasgow (32 percent) and Cardiff (22 percent). Here, we offer 10 top tips for young entrepreneurs who want to either start or develop their own businesses.
18 October 2011 | Customer stories
Guide to dealing with sickness and absence

Guide to dealing with sickness and absence

As an employer, one of the most irksome realities of commercial life is that, occasionally, employees become ill and unable to attend work or develop non-sickness-related absence habits. This can be troublesome for the employer and frustrating and stressful for the employee.
14 October 2011 | Growth and strategy
Legal issues for online companies

Legal issues for online companies

Online companies face many of the same legal issues as offline companies. However, many online companies seek to streamline the contractual process and provide a seamless online experience for their customers and users. This results in a slightly different approach to the legal documentation. Further the most valuable asset of many online businesses is their intellectual property rights and so the ownership and protection of such rights is a key consideration.
13 October 2011 | Growth and strategy
Q&A: Paul Blanchard - Right Angles

Q&A: Paul Blanchard - Right Angles

Paul Blanchard is the founder of Right Angles, an innovative PR consultancy that aims to do things differently. The company boasts an impressive roster, including Compassion in World Farming, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Aviva and the ACCA. inspiresme.co.uk caught up with Paul about his company, the public relations industry, and how small companies can make the most of PR and get their name out there as efficiently as possible.
09 October 2011 | Customer stories
Case study: eCommerce helps Truffle Shuffle take on the retro t-shirt market

Case study: eCommerce helps Truffle Shuffle take on the retro t-shirt market

Vintage T-shirt vendor Truffle Shuffle started trading in 2004 and has grown to be a significant player in the retro t-shirt market. They implemented mobile payments just over a year ago with help from a graduate web developer for the grand total of £200. Now, their mobile customers’ conversion rates have increased five-fold and resulting revenue has tripled. Founder Pat Wood talks to inspiresme.co.uk about the history of Truffle Shuffle, and how mobile payments have helped them expand quickly.
04 October 2011 | Customer stories
Guide to radio advertising - Guide-to-radio-advertising

Guide to radio advertising

These days, the potential for advertising your business is vast. From print media to social media marketing, the options are seemingly limitless. And with free online channels, such as Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and Facebook and paid-for marketing packages for TV, radio and online have been forced to lower prices. While TV advertising may still be beyond the reach of most small businesses, there are still some attractive deals to be had by turning attention to regional and local radio.
03 October 2011 | Marketing
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