Learn from those who've been there before with founder stories and case studies from those based at Workspace and beyond


Learn from those who've been there before with founder stories and case studies from those based at Workspace and beyond

Conversations with Connie Nam, founder of jewellery brand Astrid & Miyu

We caught up with Connie Nam, founder of trendy jewellery brand Astrid & Miyu based at Workspace Edinburgh House in Kennington. She shares her secrets to thriving during the pandemic, Astrid & Miyu’s expansion plans and how Black Lives Matter inspired her to launch a new business accelerator programme
25 June 2020 | Covid-19 support
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Flexible, inspiring spaces for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Scale up, scale down or move across 60 locations from Waterloo to Whitechapel, we have you covered.

Projectarthur at Club Workspace Clerkenwell

Projectarthur is a design studio based in Club Workspace Clerkenwell run by Mark Hind and Adam Wyatt. They've worked for clients large and small in music, fashion and the corporate sector.
27 October 2015 | Customer stories
Startup competitions to fund your business (and take you on holiday)

Startup competitions to fund your business (and take you on holiday)

We’ve compiled all the startup competitions that are looking for your talent and want to give you money… lots of it. A few are even throwing in a free holiday too. Have a look - and keep an eye on those deadlines.
10 June 2015 | Customer stories

More overseas-born entrepreneurs are basing their businesses in the UK

New research into the nationalities of directors of small companies in the UK revealed that a large proportion of entrepreneurs born overseas came from a select pool of countries. These entrepreneurs have been attracted by business conditions in the UK, including pro-active steps taken by the UK government.
19 May 2015 | Customer stories

Spring clean your business now

The weather might not be playing ball, but nonetheless spring is well and truly upon us. The dark times of winter will soon become little more than a dismal memory... Well, that’s the theory anyway! All of this ‘starting afresh’ creates the perfect motivation to undertake some much needed business spring cleaning; to get your house in order; and to tackle those essential tasks which are so often swept under the rug, in favour of more immediate concerns. Here's some motivation to get spring cleaning.
07 April 2015 | Customer stories
Startups, IP and the law: what you need to know

Startups, IP and the law: what you need to know

You have probably heard an unsettling story doing the rounds on the internet over the past few weeks about a tiny London startup which found itself on the wrong side of a global giant, amidst allegations of intellectual property infringement. When it comes to small businesses and intellectual property, where are the lines drawn, how can we protect our work and what’s to stop any of us stumbling unwittingly into dangerous territory? Here’s a quick guide to Intellectual Property for startups and SMEs.
27 February 2015 | Customer stories
Informed Funding Launch: free business advice sessions for Club members

Informed Funding Launch: free business advice sessions for Club members

Workspace are pleased to announce a new collaboration with Informed Funding, a new online information resource designed to help growing businesses identify the range of options they have to raise finance. We'd like to invite you to the launch of Informed Funding at our newest building Metal Box on the 26th of February. There'll also be specialist advisors from Buzzacott who will deliver three, free, advice clinics focusing on R&D tax credits, valuations and VAT.
23 February 2015 | Customer stories
Choosing a Trading Vehicle for Your Business

Choosing a Trading Vehicle for Your Business

The legal status of your business is usually a headache-inducing thought. Here’s a quick guide on how to categorise your business without the migraine.
07 October 2014 | Customer stories
London tech startup SPACIOUS get £500,000 worth in seed funding

London tech startup SPACIOUS get £500,000 worth in seed funding

The startup Spacious, set up as part of the Entrepreneur First scheme last year at Club Workspace London Bridge, has just closed 500,000 in seed funding. They decided to seek additional capital in a round led by Spire Ventures, the VC fund set up by Faisal Butt and James Caan, and plan to use the extra capital on engineers and extending the platform. We talked to the London property tech startup founders last year about setting up their own company. Here's what they had to say.
30 September 2014 | Customer stories
How to breed innovation with flexible working

How to breed innovation with flexible working

Last week, measures encouraging flexible working came into effect. Realistically, this doesn’t mean you’ll be firing out emails while bungee jumping off the wing of a plane – unless you’re Richard Branson. And if you are Richard Branson, you're probably doing that already. And in space. But bosses now need to be ready to deal with many more employees asking for flexible working hours. And if you’re that employee, you need to know your rights.
08 July 2014 | Customer stories

PillBox launches with a bang

PillBox opened with bang last night as the great and the good gathered to scoff sausage rolls, tour the building and strut their stuff to the DJ set. There were a bevy of young entrepreneurs who'd just set up in PillBox including the smooth talkers from Riot Communications, the young guns from Studio 32 and The Right Side and the digital divas at BuddyBounce. It may have once been an Allen &Hanbury factory producing pills and surgical equipment but now PillBox seems to be a factory for bright ideas, talent, ambition and growing businesses.
22 May 2014 | Customer stories
FareShare: Waste not, want not

FareShare: Waste not, want not

Last year, Workspace employees decided to support the UK charity FareShare which works to tackle food waste and food poverty at the same time. We take a look at the amazing work FareShare is doing and how Workspace employees have supported this great charity.
16 April 2014 | Customer stories
Elevate London are ready to lift off - 2016-07-11_1249

Elevate London are ready to lift off

Specialising in modern. stylish streetwear, Elevate London is a brand on the up. Parisians Marcel and Grace, its founder and creative director, explain why E2 is the perfect fit.
05 December 2012 | Customer stories
Case study: telecoms company increases revenue through customer analysis

Case study: telecoms company increases revenue through customer analysis

Hilary Briggs, profitable growth expert and Managing Director of R2PLtd helped Pinnacle Communications Ltd to increase their monthly recurring revenue by over 100% over 12 months by using customer analysis and profiling.
25 July 2012 | Customer stories
10 pieces of financial advice for freelancers to be aware of

10 pieces of financial advice for freelancers to be aware of

When you’re in business, it’s vital to stay on top of your finances and keep your books in order, but this can often be very confusing and stressful especially when you only have yourself to rely on. Emily Coltman ACA, Chief Accountant to award-winning online accounting system provider FreeAgent and author of Finance for Small Business and Micro Multinationals, gives her 10 top financial issues that freelancers and contractors should be aware of.
11 June 2012 | Customer stories
One minute interview: Scott Allison - Teamly

One minute interview: Scott Allison - Teamly

Scott Allison is the founder and CEO of Teamly, as well as the former co-founder and CEO of award-winning B2B telecoms virtual network operator, abica. It was during his time at the head of this company, Allison began experimenting with different ways of managing people which later inspired him to create Teamly. He is also a founding member of TechHub in London, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a contributor at Until recently, he was also a board director of The Entrepreneurial Exchange and curator of the London Startup Digest.
21 May 2012 | Customer stories

Q&A: Helen Jacobi - The Inspired PA Limited

Helen Jacobi is Director of The Inspired PA and winner of National Outstanding VA of 2012 in the over two and a half years in business category. She was an Executive Assistant for 20 years working alongside boards of directors in large corporations and with successful entrepreneurs. Being passionate about enabling businesses to succeed, in 2009 she took the plunge and started The Inspired PA, a virtual PA and business management enterprise which supports business owners and entrepreneurs globally.
04 May 2012 | Customer stories
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