Learn from those who've been there before with founder stories and case studies from those based at Workspace and beyond


Learn from those who've been there before with founder stories and case studies from those based at Workspace and beyond

Conversations with Connie Nam, founder of jewellery brand Astrid & Miyu

We caught up with Connie Nam, founder of trendy jewellery brand Astrid & Miyu based at Workspace Edinburgh House in Kennington. She shares her secrets to thriving during the pandemic, Astrid & Miyu’s expansion plans and how Black Lives Matter inspired her to launch a new business accelerator programme
25 June 2020 | Covid-19 support
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Time management: Five tips to help meet deadlines and goals

Time management: Five tips to help meet deadlines and goals

All of us struggle to meet deadlines and goals at some point, and will inevitably fall back to short-term copying strategies – such as all-nighters – to get the job done. But these coping strategies often come at a price; lots of stress with a side order of exhaustion. In the long-term, planning and understanding are the keys to regularly meeting deadlines and goals without the nasty side-effects. Read on to find out more.
30 April 2012 | Customer stories
Entrepreneurship: Born or bred?

Entrepreneurship: Born or bred?

It’s a polarised argument. Can you actually train someone to be an entrepreneur? Those who endorse mentoring initiatives resoundly say ‘yes’, while there are others who believe that entrepreneurial spirit is something you’re born with; that you will instinctively overcome any odds to make your business succeed.
27 March 2012 | Customer stories
Young guns: 10 of the top young entrepreneurs in the UK today

Young guns: 10 of the top young entrepreneurs in the UK today

Getting a business off the ground in times of economic stability is a challenging enough task; however, success stories of young entrepreneurs starting-up and running their own businesses despite the economic downturn are still hitting the headlines.10 of the UK’s brightest young entrepreneurs talk to inspiresme, offering their advice to other budding entrepreneurs and discussing their plans for the future.
20 March 2012 | Customer stories
Starting a light engineering company

Starting a light engineering company

Light engineering is an important industrial sub-industry and provides services to a huge range of sectors including power, consumer goods and manufacturing. Demand is therefore consistent and strong, but light engineering is very competitive, particularly for British companies competing with counterparts throughout Europe and the Far East. Start-up costs can also be high. However, finding a niche can help new companies establish themselves.
08 March 2012 | Customer stories
Q&A: Vashi Nanwani Dominguez - Diamond Manufacturers Ltd

Q&A: Vashi Nanwani Dominguez - Diamond Manufacturers Ltd

Vashi started his first company aged just 20 in his home country of Tenerife, Spain. His love for his English childhood sweetheart led him to England, and his love of diamonds led him to set up Diamond Manufacturers Ltd in 2007. With no extensive former experience in the industry, Vashi had to teach himself, and to begin with was greeted with derision by the industry.
13 February 2012 | Customer stories
Q&A: Angela Kennedy - Baby Sensory

Q&A: Angela Kennedy - Baby Sensory

Returning to work after a career break can be a difficult time for anyone. In this interview we talk to Angela Kennedy who took a nine year career-break to start a family and who decided to run her own business on her return to work. Angela acquired a Baby Sensory franchise in 2009 and she now manages a team working in three separate territories.
06 February 2012 | Customer stories
20 top UK based business blogs

20 top UK based business blogs

As the visibility of business blogs online continues to expand further and further; identifying those that offer the expert points of view most relevant to your business and industry has become an increasingly time-consuming task. We’ve hand-picked 20 of UK’s best blogs to help you uncover the information and advice that is of most value to your business.
01 February 2012 | Customer stories
20 inspirational quotes from the world’s top entrepreneurs - pexels-photo

20 inspirational quotes from the world’s top entrepreneurs

Making the decision to become an entrepreneur and start your own business can be a little daunting, but you'll never know what you are capable of unless try. Here are twenty quotes from some of the most successful entrepreneurs in history, to give you that inspiration you may need in order to take the first step.
18 January 2012 | Customer stories
Six reasons why new businesses fail

Six reasons why new businesses fail

There’s an old saying in business: “When you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. This may sound trite but it’s a good mantra to introduce into any entrepreneurial endeavour. Plan and plan again before execution and you won’t go too far wrong.
15 December 2011 | Customer stories
How to start a property management business

How to start a property management business

There’s still money to be made in property. With high house prices meaning that buying a home is out of the reach of many, lettings and property management companies are doing very well indeed.
21 November 2011 | Customer stories
How to start a day-nursery

How to start a day-nursery

Starting a day nursery is a popular entrepreneurial choice, especially so amongst parents who spot the potential this business offers after bringing up their own children. Working with children can be one of the most rewarding things in the world, although you will need to be highly dedicated and have lots of patience.
14 November 2011 | Customer stories
How to start a kennels and cattery business

How to start a kennels and cattery business

Starting a kennels and cattery business is one of the most difficult and time consuming enterprises to start and run – yet it can also be one of the most enjoyable and rewarding. If you’re a dog or cat lover and have always dreamed of working with animals then running a kennels and cattery could provide you with the perfect business…
12 November 2011 | Customer stories
Eight top tips to help you break into the creative sector

Eight top tips to help you break into the creative sector

Opportunities in the creative sector are broad but it's a very competitive market. These top tips will help you develop the skills and attitude necessary to break into, and succeed within, the creative sector.
19 October 2011 | Customer stories
10 top tips for the young entrepreneur

10 top tips for the young entrepreneur

There is an increasing number of entrepreneurs in the UK. Research carried out earlier this year revealed that more than half of 14- to 19-year-olds would like to be their own boss. According to a survey by Hiscox Insurance, 25 percent of London undergraduates were either running their own businesses or setting up companies while still at university – in Hull, the proportion was 36 percent, followed by Glasgow (32 percent) and Cardiff (22 percent). Here, we offer 10 top tips for young entrepreneurs who want to either start or develop their own businesses.
18 October 2011 | Customer stories
Q&A: Paul Blanchard - Right Angles

Q&A: Paul Blanchard - Right Angles

Paul Blanchard is the founder of Right Angles, an innovative PR consultancy that aims to do things differently. The company boasts an impressive roster, including Compassion in World Farming, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Aviva and the ACCA. caught up with Paul about his company, the public relations industry, and how small companies can make the most of PR and get their name out there as efficiently as possible.
09 October 2011 | Customer stories
Case study: eCommerce helps Truffle Shuffle take on the retro t-shirt market

Case study: eCommerce helps Truffle Shuffle take on the retro t-shirt market

Vintage T-shirt vendor Truffle Shuffle started trading in 2004 and has grown to be a significant player in the retro t-shirt market. They implemented mobile payments just over a year ago with help from a graduate web developer for the grand total of £200. Now, their mobile customers’ conversion rates have increased five-fold and resulting revenue has tripled. Founder Pat Wood talks to about the history of Truffle Shuffle, and how mobile payments have helped them expand quickly.
04 October 2011 | Customer stories
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